Right to Know
In accordance with the provisions of the Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act (NJSA 34:5A-12) and the Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act Rules (NJAC 8:59-7.2), the following documents are available online at https://myparsenviro.com/.
- Safety Data Sheets
Note: Allowing employee access to this database website from the workplace during the work shift satisfies the requirements to provide employee access to the SDS.
- Log on to https://myparsenviro.com/.
- Enter Username “East Windsor” and Password “Eastwindsor1” into the appropriate fields.
- Once you log in, links for the Document Repository, SDS by Location, Labels, and SDS Search appear. Click MyPars Home at any time to return to the main menu.
- The Document Repository contains annual Right-to-Know Reports and Hazard Communication Plans (HAZCOM).
- Labels can be generated by selecting a school and then a room to generate labels for products in that room.
- For Safety Data Sheets by Location, Select a school, and then a room to display all SDSs for that location.
- To search for an SDS, Click SDS Search and start typing a keyword. The full name of the search criteria will not be needed; a partial name will suffice. Click the Download button to view.