Staff Resources » Right to Know

Right to Know

In accordance with the provisions of the Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act (NJSA 34:5A-12) and the Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act Rules (NJAC 8:59-7.2), the following documents are available online at
  • Safety Data Sheets
Note: Allowing employee access to this database website from the workplace during the work shift satisfies the requirements to provide employee access to the SDS.

  1. Log on to
  2. Enter Username “East Windsor” and Password “Eastwindsor1” into the appropriate fields.
  3. Once you log in, links for the Document Repository, SDS by Location, Labels, and SDS Search appear. Click MyPars Home at any time to return to the main menu.
  4. The Document Repository contains annual Right-to-Know Reports and Hazard Communication Plans (HAZCOM).
  5. Labels can be generated by selecting a school and then a room to generate labels for products in that room.
  6. For Safety Data Sheets by Location, Select a school, and then a room to display all SDSs for that location.
  7. To search for an SDS, Click SDS Search and start typing a keyword. The full name of the search criteria will not be needed; a partial name will suffice. Click the Download button to view.