Board Member Bios

Christina "Tina" Lands, President

[email protected]

Tina Lands has proudly served as a board member since 2019. Ms. Lands was motivated to become a board member from her passion for equitable education and the success of all of our students. She is proud of our district goals, especially the goal to have every child reading at grade level by the third grade, as well as the enhancements in our Arts and embedded STEM & SEL programming. She looks forward to how our administration and staff work hard to continuously improve in many areas, especially strengthening Math and Language Arts, and implementing the Strategic Plan developed in 2024.


Michael Weeks, Vice-President

[email protected]

As a parent of two elementary school students and a resident of Hightstown for just over 10 years, Mr. Weeks has been incredibly proud of his town and the schools. When a seat opened up, he was excited for the opportunity to serve. He believes that the role of a board member is to listen to members of the community and teachers to understand the needs of the district, facilitating change to make the educational environment the best, safest, and most inclusive space it can be.

Jeanne Bourjolly

[email protected]

Ms. Bourjolly was appointed to the Board in January 2020. She is humbled and honored to serve her community. She has always had an interest in the education of our youth as they are the future of our community and our great nation. An area that she is excited to see the district improve on this year is the overall curriculum with respect to ensuring that the curriculum is more STEM-oriented.



Agueda Concepcion

[email protected]

Jenna Drake

[email protected]

Ms. Drake has been a board member for four years. She became a board member to increase service to the community and be more a part of her son's education. She is proud of the attention that is given to student wellness, including SEL, mental health counseling, spaces for self-care, and programs that focus on education and skill-building. She is especially excited about plans to enhance and expand on our students’ natural curiosity to build a love of learning through increased STEM education in elementary and middle schools.


Nicole LaRusso

[email protected]

Ms. LaRusso just began her second term as a Board Member, elected in November 2016. She has lived in East Windsor since 2002 and has four children enrolled in the district. Special education and mental health are areas she is very passionate about, and she is proud of the District's SEL programs in place at all levels of education.

Bob Laverty

[email protected]


Kavitha Maduri

[email protected]

Jagruti Patel

[email protected]

This is Ms. Patel's first term as a Board Member, elected in November 2022. She has lived in East Windsor since 2001 and has two children enrolled in the district. Ms. Patel hopes to collaborate with fellow stakeholders to improve the educational experience for students and organize a science symposium. Her goal is to promote an inclusive core curriculum in STEM and focus on real-world skill-building.
