Sheronda Howard » Drug & Alcohol Resources - Virtual Room

Drug & Alcohol Resources - Virtual Room

Please click on the following links below to read more information about each of the topics. You can also access more information by downloading the applications (apps) on your right hand side that can be retrieved via smartphone to help assist in treatment and additional support. 
National Institute of Drug Abuse for Teens provides an array of information on drug use and the brain, resources and ways to seek help. 
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence provides information regarding truth/myths, understanding addiction and treatment. 
Recognizing the Signs of Stress  provides information on warning signs and symptoms you may be experiencing due to stress. 
Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, 365 days a week access if you or someone you know is struggling with suicide. 
Teen Corner (Alateen) is a support group tailored for teens who is struggling with the effects of someone else's drinking problem. 
2ND FLOOR is a confidential and anonymous helpline for NJ youth and young adults to assist in crisis management.