General Information » Conference Scheduling Instructions

Conference Scheduling Instructions

Elementary Schools and Melvin H. Kreps Middle School

For the elementary schools and Melvin H. Kreps Middle School, if you need to schedule a conference with your teacher, you can do so through the parent portal. Please see the attached directions for how to sign-up for a conference. If you do not have access to the parent portal, please contact the building secretary. We look forward to the conferences and discussing your child’s academic and social-emotional growth.

Hightstown High School

Hightstown High School's format for parent/teacher conferences provides the opportunity for every parent/guardian to participate in a conference with the teacher(s) of their child. Members of our Counseling Department and Child Study Team will
be available to parents throughout the evening.
For Hightstown High School, if a parent/guardian would like to participate in a conference with a teacher of your child, the process for obtaining a conference is as simple as arriving at HHS and entering a waiting line for the teacher(s) with whom you would like to conference. Conferences will be limited to ten minutes in length to permit as many as possible.
While it is possible that a parent may not be able to speak with every teacher of their choice on the night of parent/teacher conferences, everyone should remember that they may engage their child’s teacher by email or phone at any time during the school year to initiate or maintain productive communication.